NYDO’s 9-session Rise and Shine Life Skills Adolescent Diversion programme is an opportunity for children in conflict with the law to take responsibility for what they have done and to repair the harm they have caused. It develops resilience, helps children overcome life’s challenges and withstand peer pressure, and develops impulse control. It creates awareness of positive alternatives to negative behaviour, and the desire to embrace these alternatives and make healthy life choices.

Once children have completed the Diversion Programme, they have the option to participate in the 12-month “Keep Shining” Aftercare Programme, aimed at reinforcing the skills acquired during the Rise and Shine Programme and preventing re-offending.

The final part of the holistic service is the “Be the Light” Parenting Skills Development workshops for parents and significant others, aimed at supporting the children’s developmental progress and improving parent/child relationships.

We are here to help YOU work to get the best outcome for EVERYONE!

Everyone who has been involved in or has been affected by the offence or behaviour has an opportunity to tell their story and together work out the best outcome.

The following questions must be considered:

  • When did things go wrong…
  • What happened?
  • What were you thinking at the time?
  • What have you thought about since?
  • Who has been affected by what you have done? In what way?
  • What do you think you need to do to make things right?

What you, as Responsible Adult, can contribute?

NYDO and your child need you to:
  • Support and encourage your child to complete the Adolescent Diversion Programme.
  • Come to the intake assessment, orientation family meeting, parent’s workshop, family fun day, attend evaluation interview with your child and support him or her to attend the 12-month aftercare programme.

What we expect from you as a participant:

  • Honesty, responsibility, and commitment for the duration of the programme.
  • If you can’t make it to the individual or workshop appointment, you must call beforehand and let us know. We are very helpful if we know what is going on.
  • If you re-offend or break your conditions, your continued participation in the Diversion Programme will be reconsidered.
  • If you do not turn up for appointments, go missing, have a bad attitude, or just hope that the problem will go away, this too will be referred to the authorities and it is likely that more serious consequences will be enforced.
  • Participate in the aftercare programme for 12 months.
  • Become a diligent, responsible young person practicing self-care, and caring for your family, your friends, and your community.